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The press marketplace in the UK is especially rich and varied spanning regional, local and national newspapers, supplements and a broad range of trade and consumer magazines. Because these publications are actively purchased or subscribed to, they have an enviably strong affinity with customers.

Print media provides readers with an “appointment to view” experience that offers reader loyalty, repeat viewings, and the opportunity to study an advert at their leisure. At Lane Media, our team can tailor campaigns to favourite titles and capitalise on readers’ receptive mindsets. With many publications, we can help navigate this merging of formats and understand consumer mindsets in order to create a strategy for your brand.

Press opportunities include:



All formats, advertising and advertorials, understanding consumers’ reading habits for best positioning and to stand out.



Be it recruitment, motors or travel, working to maximise direct response.



Via newspapers and magazines, utilising regional opportunities and targeted options (subscription vs. newsstand).



Offering ownership of relevant content and providing frequency and longevity.



Which could involve all of the above plus competitions, promotions, events, wraps, editorial and integrated digital activity.

Targeted Audience

A powerful tool that allows you to target specific titles according to demographics and relevance.


High Engagement

Consumers tend to spend more time with printed content than with digital ads as they are choosing purchase or subscribe to that title.


High Credibility

Audiences trust print media due to its accountability, editorial oversight and tangibility.


Press FAQs

Select press titles that your target audience are likely to be reading in terms of interest and other demographics. Creative design can catch attention and make a lasting impression. Whether your aim is to build brand awareness or increase sales, press advertising can be an effective addition to a campaign.

Success can be measured in a number of ways. For example you can track ad responses, look at sales data or monitor website traffic. Depending on the format chosen, coupon or discount code redemptions could be monitored. Print media can be used in a wider campaign strategy to compliment other formats.

Digital media has increased in popularity and publications have had to adapt. Many titles offer online versions of their physical print publications. This is an opportunity to take advantage of data and target readers more directly. The analytics available has allowed more in-depth tracking of audiences and effectiveness of campaigns. Therefore, publications have been able to focus more on their niche or specialised audiences, making it easier for us to reach a target audience.


Firing up Border Biscuits’ media strategy

View Case Study Firing up Border Biscuits’ media strategy

Introducing a new brand to the world’s financial centres

View Case Study Introducing a new brand to the world’s financial centres


For more information or to find out more about how we can help you, fill out the form or contact us via the details below.

+44 (0)131 551 7777